wake up
aquarian alignment
interpretation of dreams
le coeur d'un taureau
(the heart of a bull contains steadiness, determination + most of all, patience in all things)
back to black
(thank you pluto/darkness/shadow for your lessons)
are you ready for it?
new moon in libra = it's on
post eclipse shadow work
clearing the shadow
"From the moment that Miss Wiley first saw the big snake, she had been silently talking across the room to it. Outwardly, she appeared to be doing nothing at all. Actually she was proving the potency and effectiveness of her favorite rule of action in all relationship contacts: that all life, regardless of its form, classification or reputation will respond to genuine interest...respect...appreciation...admiration...affection...gentleness...courtesy...good manners. The big tail rattler was being lovingly showered with these qualities, undoubtably for the first time in its experience.
Had your ears been attuned to the silent universal language of the heart, you would have heard in detail the flow of soundless good talk that was moving from Miss Wiley to the snake...And in that good talk among other things you would have heard her praising the snake for its many excellent qualities, assuring it that it had absolutely nothing to fear, and reminding it again and again it had simply come to a new home where it would be always appreciated, loved and cared for. All of this was communicated without the slightest sound or gesture from Miss Wiley.
After a while you would notice a marked change in the snake's attitude. The fast rattling of it's tail was slowing down. It's head, which had been glaring in all directions at a fast, nervous tempo, was steadying itself in the direction of Miss Wiley...The 'killer' from Texas was not only feeling but actually responding to the friendly thoughts and feelings sent in its direction.
As Miss Wiley continued her reassuring talk, but now in low, soft, vocal tones, you would witness the blossoming of this unique gentling technique. You would see the big snake slowly uncoil and cautiously stretch itself the full length of the table...At that precise moment...Miss Wiley had again demonstrated the fact that regardless of appearances, good is latent in every living thing, and simply needs to be called into active expression through the gracious understanding of respect, sympathetic understanding, gentleness and love."